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Uganda customer's cassava starch project has finished installation and start working
Time: 2022/9/15View: 359

Uganda customer''''''''s cassava starch project has finished installation and start working

Uganda has plenty of cassava,but most of the cassava plantations are owned by smaller farmers,and their cassava business is small and locally.In March 2022,An Uganda customer contact us,he told us that he saw our machines in his country,but the machines is small for him,he wants to invest on a bigger cassava starch project.After discussion with him,and we suggest him a most suitable capacity with 20tons/day cassava starch project.

Due to global COVID situation,customer can not come to visit our factory,but since he has saw our machines locally,so he chose to trust us,and placed the order soon.

Now,one year passed,his cassava starch project has finished installation and starts working.Customer is very satisfied to the working,and we agreed to cooperation on another cassava starch projects in Congo!

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